Kondolenzbuch: Abschied von Ursula Hudson

Dr. Ursula Hudson_(c) MISEREOR.JPGDr. Ursula Hudson trug als Vorsitzende von Slow Food Deutschland und als Vorstandsmitglied von Slow Food International maßgeblich dazu bei, Slow Food eine relevante Stimme und politische Ausrichtung zu verleihen und eine gerechtere, bessere und somit zukunftsfähige Ernährungswelt voranzutreiben. Bis zuletzt war sie für den Verein in Deutschland, auf EU-Ebene und international äußerst aktiv. Auf dieser Seite gedenken ihrer Menschen aus dem Slow-Food-Netzwerk und danken ihr für ihren außergewöhnlichen Einsatz für die Wende unseres Lebensmittelsystems sowie für ihre Energie und Leidenschaft, mit der sie die Slow-Food-Bewegung vorangebracht hat.

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Kondolenz schreiben


Chers tous
Nous sommes atterrés par la terrible nouvelle. Je suis de tout cœur avec la famille biologique du disparue en particulier et toute la
famille Slow Foodien en générale.
Nos condoléances !!!!!
Nicolas (Slow Food International Councilor Congo)

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I am truly saddened by this sad news. Words are inadequate at this time. 

Condolences to her family and thank you for letting us be part of her extended family.

Caroline (Slow Food International Councilor South Africa)

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John Kariuki

Dear colleagues,
we have lost such a beautiful soul. Her commitment, hardwork and charisma in promoting Slow Food and addressing the global injustices will live with us forever. May the almighty rest her soul in eternal peace and give her family strength in this difficult moment. 
King regards, 
John Kariuki (Slow Food International Councilor Kenya)

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Minsoo Kim

Dear all of my Slow Food friends,

truly saddened by her passing away. May Her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

Condolences to her family and those who love her. 

Minsoo Kim (Slow Food International Councilor South Korea)

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Chers collègues Slow Food,

Comme déjà dit à Klaus plus tôt cette semaine, la disparition d'Ursula est véritable une perte pour nous et notre mouvement. Bien que je n'ai pas eu le plaisir de la côtoyer longtemps, j'ai toujours apprécié l'intelligence de son propos et sa capacité à voir le bon et le positif de nos contributions. Ursula était certainement un roc pour l'organisation. Pour moi, je garderai toujours sa fougue, sa recherche du bien commun et aussi la brillante étincelle d'espoir qu'elle portait dans ses yeux pour le futur de notre organisation et notre mouvement.

J'appuie la proposition de Carlo également de créer une commémoration de son travail indéfectible par une bourse d'études en son nom

Paix et guérison à sa famille, ses proches et à notre famille étendue qu'est Slow Food.

Bobby (Slow Food International Councilor Canada)

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Dear all,

Ursula inspired us in more ways than one. We all loved her for her vision and determination to make slow food matter. I feel so sad! 

Amorelle (Australia)

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Sending my regards to all of you and to Ursula's family. What a sad loss.
Ursula possessed such passion and intellect. As many people here have mentioned, this is a great loss to our movement.
Jennifer (Slow Food International Councilor USA)

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Queridos todos.

Que noticia tan conmovedora, nos queda celebrar su vida, ejemplo y trabajo por un mundo bueno, limpio y justo. El vacío que sentimos se debe transformar en empeño para honrar su memoria y todo lo que Ursula aportó a Slow Food como familia y a cada uno de nosotros.

Un abrazo a todos, especialmente a su familia y a Slow Food Alemania.

Esteban (Slow Food International Councilor Ecuador)

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Je viens de prendre connaissance de cette terrible nouvelle, quelle tristesse... Ceux qui comme moi avaient eu la chance de venir à Berlin pour Wir Haben Es Satt n'avaient que pu être impressionné par son charisme, sa vision et sa gentillesse.
Toutes mes condoléances à la famille, aux proches et à nos collègues d'Allemagne... 
Bon courage
Vincent (Slow Food International Councilor Frankreich)

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Richard, Slow Food USA

Ursula in Bra (c) Richard Mc Carthy.jpgDear International Slow Food family, 
This is absolutely heart-breaking news. 
Yesterday, when I was getting tote bags and empty egg containers ready to visit my Sunday farmers market, I made the terrible mistake of checking messages on my phone. Why did this news have to be on it? Paolo, thank you for being the bearer of such horribly sad news. As Georges said, “I still cannot believe this is real.” Yes, I feel the same. I went to the market, and then suddenly remembered the news. 
I particularly like Amorelle’s description of Ursula’s “vision and determination to make Slow Food matter.” I, too, remember this about Ursula and am so grateful for her leadership both within Germany (which I had been lucky enough to see in action — even attending the Stuttgart Slow Food Fair) and of course, in the International Executive Committee where Ursula has always pushed Slow Food to be its best, Meetings would always begin with Carlo’s morning speech, followed by a long pregnant pause. He would ask, “Any remarks?” Again, another long pregnant pause. At this point, Ursula was always the first to respond. Never timid and always as if she had spent the entire evening before anticipating Carlo’s presentation, Ursula would respond with everything I would have to have said but so much more. She leaves a huge hole in the leadership of the organization’s international posture. 
She also leaves another huge hole for all of us: In friendship. I was looking forward to so many more years of friendship with Ursula. When I joined the Committee, she took me under her wing, as she did Edie and Joris (as we arrived more or less at similar moments in the Committee’s evolution. For me, I looked forward to each meeting, in part because I would get to spend time with Ursula. At the last Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, I was very concerned about Ursula’s health and spirits. She looked frail, yet insisted that she was putting up a fight in her battle with cancer. 
And while we had spoken since our last meeting in February 2020 in Bra, this was the last time I had spent time with Ursula. I was so greatly relieved to see her. She looked healthy and as though she had that bounce in her step. The attached photo is one that I took of Ursula when we walked from Pollenzo to Bra for a cappuccino (or as she referred to as kinder drinks). She indicated that she wasn’t out of the woods yet, health wise, but I certainly felt that she looked and acted as if her former self had returned. 
My heart goes out to Ursula’s family and to the Slow Food Germany family. We owe a debt of gratitude for Ursula and how she has shaped the head and heart of our international family. 
Richard (USA)

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Dear Friends

It is with a heavy heart that we learn such sad news. We will miss Ursula, Slow Food will miss Ursula, humanity will miss Ursula... 

We will remember her as a brilliant woman, determined, visionary and pragmatic at the same time. Today Slow Food is certainly mourning one of its greatest inspirational women... may she rest in peace and let’s hope that her family, all of us and her team in Germany will find the strength to overcome these difficult moments. 

We will always keep you in our hearts, Ursula!

Alexandre (Slow Food International Councilor Switzerland)

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Soul sister found and lost.
Only wish I had the chance to have told her my last words, but she knew...
We shared the same birthday... the same thoughts... over and over again.
We would always ask ourselves how a German and a hot-tempered could be so much alike...and then burst into laughter... I am so grateful to have had my Ursula in my life...
I am broken today... In our culture we say God bless you and your family 
Barbara (Slow Food International Councilor Lebanon)

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Madelaine Vázquez

Queridas amig@s,

Sentimos profundamente está pérdida. Todos hemos trabajado con ella y aprendido. Su huella y ejemplo serán siempre inspiración.
Su legado al Movimiento será inolvidable.
Comunicaremos a nuestra red, como merecida muestra de conservar su memoria y rendirle tributo. También sus aportes serán reconocidos.
Saludos desde el Caribe,
Madelaine Vázquez (Slow Food International Councilor Cuba)

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Dear friends!

This is heartbreaking... We will remember her and I am sure that everyone will carry a piece of Ursula in their hearts.
There is very little, there is nothing more to say... but we will all remember!
A warm hug to everyone!

Rest in peace, Ursula!

Dessislava (Slow Food International Councilor Bulgaria)

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Serena Milano

We all died a little, today
Ciao Ursula
In Italy, we say "che la terra ti sia lieve”
Serena (Slow Food International Councilor Italy)

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